
Background and Scope<\/p>\n

When a network employing SNMS modems is configured solely in a
\nhub-spoke configuration, the management and control of network
\nconnectivity is centralized at the hub, the link layer connections
\nare structurally well-defined, and routing for the network layer is
\nalso well-defined. Extension of the SNMS requirements standard to
\nmesh overlay configurations requires development and definition of
\na broader set of procedures and protocols for connection

The need for a connection protocol framework specific to DVB-RCS
\nwas identified some time ago in ETSI and DVB groups, and is in the
\nprocess of being prototyped in the IBIS\/AmerHis network. Another
\nsimilar connection protocol also was developed by a TIA member
\ncompany for a processed satellite system.<\/p>\n

The ETSI\/DVB C2P [Ref. 10] addresses both regenerative and
\ntransponded (transparent) networks, and allows for
\nmultipoint\/multicast connections. The SNMS is intended only for
\ntransponded use. In this document, only unicast (point-to-point)
\nconnections will be considered.<\/p>\n

This document has been developed using inputs from both ETSI\/DVB
\nand TIA member companies . The following terminology equivalencies
\nshould be noted:<\/p>\n