AA 50:1999
Code Words for Overhead Aluminum Electrical Conductors
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
AA | 1999-01 | 84 |
For many years manufacturers of electrical conductors have assigned code words to their products to aid in identifying the different types and sizes of conductors in catalogs, orders, invoices and other production and sales records. As the number of different types and sizes of conductors increased over the years, the number of code words increased until by 1960 more than 1,200 such words were in use. In some instances the same words came to be used to designate more than one conductor. With more new constructions, new types of insulation, different tempers and other variations in the offing, there was a potential need for many more code words.
Recognizing this situation, the Technical Committee on Electrical Conductor of The Aluminum Association's Electrical Technical Division in 1960 initiated a study aimed at reducing the number of code words required for these products. During its study the Subcommittee considered several different systems. Some would have accomplished the desired reduction in number of code words but were considered too complicated for practical use. The system finally adopted retains the code words now in use but provides for designating variations in construction, temper, and type of covering or insulation by the use of suffixes to existing code words, thus greatly reducing the number of new code words that otherwise would be required in the future.
The conductors referenced in Tables 1 through 47 are manufactured in accordance with applicable ASTM Specifications. It is the Technical Committee's recommendation that these codes words should not be used for conductors manufactured in accordance to specifications other than ASTM.
This booklet lists the code words that have been registered with The Aluminum Association, outlines the procedure for registering new code words and includes the details of the system. Preceding each group of tables covering conductors of the same general type is a list of the characteristics of each conductor that are implied by the code word itself without any suffix. This is followed by a list of the suffixes to be used following the code words for designating variations in those characteristics. Selected examples show how the system works.
Tables have also been added for British and Canadian code words. This has been added for informational purposes only. The code words used in these tables are not controlled by the Aluminum Association.
Following the tables is an alphabetical listing of the code words with references to the specific table where the conductor data may be found. In addition, for informational purposes, the list also includes code words used for UD cable, copper conductors and others used in Canada and Great Britain to designate aluminum conductors made in those countries.
Details of construction for UD cable code words are covered in CODE WORDS FOR UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION CABLES, available from the Aluminum Association.
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Any data contained in this publication were compiled by the Aluminum Association, Inc. In view of the variety of conditions and methods of use to which such data and suggestions may be applied, the Aluminum Association and its member companies assume no responsibility or liability for the use of information contained herein. Neither the Aluminum Association nor any of its member companies give any warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information.