IEEE ISO IEC P26513 March2016 DRAFT
ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft – Systems and Software Engineering — Requirements for Testers and Reviewers of User Documentation
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
IEEE | N/A | 47 |
Revision Standard – Unapproved Draft. This standard supports the interest of software users in receiving consistent, complete, accurate, and usable documentation and specifies processes for use in testing and reviewing of user documentation (clause 6). It is not limited to the test and review stage of the life cycle, but includes activities throughout the information management and documentation management process. This standard is intended for use in all types of organizations, whether or not a dedicated documentation department is present. In all cases, it may be used as a basis for local standards and procedures. Readers are assumed to have experience or general knowledge of testing or reviewing processes. This standard deals with the evaluation of end-user content only, and not with the evaluation of the software it supports.