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IEEE 11073-10101-2019(Redline)


IEEE Standard for Health informatics–Point-of-care medical device communication – Part 10101: Nomenclature (Redline)

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Revision Standard – Active. Within the context of the ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards for point-of-care (POC) and personal health devices (PHD) medical device communication (MDC), this standard provides the nomenclature that supports both the domain information model and service model components of the standards family, as well as the semantic content exchanged with medical devices. The nomenclature is specialized for patient vital signs information representation and medical device informatics, with major areas including concepts for electrocardiograph (ECG), haemodynamics, respiration, blood gas, urine, fluid-related metrics, and neurology, as well as specialized units of measurement, general device events, alarms, and body sites. The standard defines both the architecture and major components of the nomenclature, along with extensive definitions for each conceptual area.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Std 11073-10101™-2019 Front cover
2 Title page
4 Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Standards Documents
7 Participants
8 Introduction
9 Contents
14 Tables
20 Figures
21 1. Scope
2. Normative references
23 3. Terms, definitions, symbols, and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms
26 4. Conformance
5. Introduction to the standard
6. Application
27 7. Semantics
7.1 Attribution
28 7.2 Coding
7.2.1 Context-sensitivity
29 7.2.2 Grouping
30 7.3 Synonyms
7.4 Deprecated terms
7.5 Withdrawn terms
8. Syntax
8.1 Transfer
8.1.1 Types
31 8.1.2 Notation
33 8.2 Programmatic form
8.2.1 Attribution
8.2.2 Notation
34 9. Extensibility
10. Version exporting
35 Annex A (normative)Nomenclature semantics
A.1 Overview of nomenclature for vital signs—Semantics
36 A.2 Code assignment to the MDIB elements
A.2.1 Overview
A.2.2 Relationship to other standards
A.2.3 Basic rules
37 A.2.4 Coding spaces
46 A.3 Data dictionary and codes for object-oriented modeling elements (Partition 1)
A.3.1 Introduction
47 A.3.2 Object-oriented modeling elements: inventory tables
80 A.4 Data dictionary and codes for communication infrastructure (Partition 8)
A.4.1 Introduction
A.4.2 Communication infrastructure: inventory tables
85 A.5 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for vital signs devices (Partition 1)
A.5.1 Introduction
86 A.5.2 Base concepts
A.5.3 First set of differentiating criteria
87 A.5.4 Second set of differentiating criteria
A.5.5 Third set of differentiating criteria
88 A.5.6 Attributes
A.5.7 Device class discriminator
A.5.8 Code table
99 A.6 Terminology and codes for units of measurement (Partition 4)
A.6.1 Introduction
A.6.2 Orders of magnitude discriminator
100 A.6.3 Units outside of SI
101 A.6.4 Units of measurement
123 A.6.5 Withdrawn terms for vital signs units of measurement
124 A.6.6 Deprecated terms for vital signs units of measurement
125 A.6.7 Deprecated RefIds for Vital Signs Units of Measurement
126 A.7 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for metrics (measurements and enumerations) (Partition 2)
A.7.1 Nomenclature for ECG measurements
158 A.7.2 Nomenclature for ECG enumerations
174 A.7.3 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for haemodynamic monitoring measurements
193 A.7.4 Nomenclature and codes for respiratory, ventilator, and anesthesia measurements
274 A.7.5 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for common blood-gas, blood, urine, and other fluid chemistry measurements
289 A.7.6 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for fluid output measurements
293 A.7.7 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for pumps
310 A.7.8 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for neurological monitoring measurements
323 A.7.9 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for neurophysiologic enumerations
347 A.7.10 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for stimulation modes
354 A.7.11 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for miscellaneous measurements
361 A.7.12 Nomenclature and code extensions for infant incubator and warmer microenvironments
363 A.7.13 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for spirometry
373 A.7.14 Nomenclature and code extensions for personal health devices
378 A.8 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for body sites (Partition 7)
A.8.1 Introduction
379 A.8.2 Sites for neurophysiological signal monitoring: locations near peripheral nerves
393 A.8.3 Sites for neurophysiological signal monitoring: locations near muscles
431 A.8.4 Sites for EEG-electrode placement on the head
439 A.8.5 Sites for EOG signal monitoring
444 A.8.6 Sites for general neurological monitoring measurements and drainage
446 A.8.7 Sites for cardiovascular measurements
452 A.8.8 Miscellaneous sites used in vital signs monitoring and measurement
467 A.8.9 Equipment sites used in vital signs monitoring and measurement
469 A.8.10 Qualifiers of body site locations
473 A.9 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for events and alerts (Partition 3)
A.9.1 Introduction
A.9.2 Diagnostic pattern events
484 A.9.3 Device-related and environment-related events
520 A.10 Systematic derivations of terms and codes for infrastructure (Partition 8)
A.10.1 Introduction
A.10.2 Base concepts, device specialization
524 A.10.3 Base concepts, device sub-specialization
527 A.10.4 Base concepts, time synchronization profiles
528 A.11 Systematic derivations of terms and codes for personal health devices disease management (Partition 128)
A.11.1 Introduction
A.11.2 Base concepts, general device properties
529 A.11.3 Base concepts, Basic ECG sensors and status
A.11.4 Base concepts, Basic ECG event context
530 A.11.5 Base concepts, SABTE sensors and settings
541 A.11.6 Base concepts, SABTE modes
543 A.11.7 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, carbohydrate source
544 A.11.8 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, carbohydrate source
A.11.9 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, carbohydrate sources
546 A.11.10 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, insulin type
547 A.11.11 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, insulin types
548 A.11.12 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, general health
549 A.11.13 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, general health
550 A.11.14 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, sample location
A.11.15 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, sample locations
552 A.11.16 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, meal
553 A.11.17 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, meal type
554 A.11.18 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, tester
555 A.11.19 Base concepts, Glucose Monitoring, tester type
A.11.20 INR Status and Context
557 A.11.21 Base concepts, Continuous Glucose Monitoring
559 A.11.22 Base concepts, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, status
560 A.11.23 Base concepts, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, device
561 A.11.24 Base concepts, Insulin Pump, sensors
564 A.11.25 Base concepts, Power StatusMonitor, sensors
565 A.11.26 Base concepts, Power Status Monitor, battery
566 A.11.27 Base concepts, Peak Expiratory Flow
567 A.12 Systematic derivations of terms and codes for health and fitness (Partition 129)
A.12.1 Introduction
A.12.2 Base concepts
A.12.3 First set of differentiating criteria, sensors
571 A.12.4 Second set of differentiating criteria, activity
573 A.12.5 First set of differentiating criteria, exercise
A.12.6 Second set of differentiating criteria, exercise
576 A.13 Systematic derivations of terms and codes for independent living monitoring measurements (Partition 130)
A.13.1 Introduction
A.13.2 Base concepts
A.13.3 First set of differentiating criteria, sensor
580 A.13.4 Second set of differentiating criteria, location, general
582 A.13.5 Second set of differentiating criteria, location, room
585 A.13.6 Second set of differentiating criteria, location, medical room
587 A.13.7 Second set of differentiating criteria, location, doors and windows
588 A.13.8 Second set of differentiating criteria, location, furniture
589 A.13.9 Second set of differentiating criteria, location, appliance
591 A.13.10 Third set of differentiating criteria, AI events
594 A.13.11 First set of differentiating criteria, sensors, medication dispenser
596 A.14 Nomenclature for error return codes (Partition 255)
A.14.1 Base concepts
A.14.2 First set of differentiating criteria
A.14.3 Code table
597 A.14.4 Withdrawn terms for error return codes
598 A.15 Nomenclature, data dictionary, and codes for external nomenclatures and messaging standards (Partition 256)
A.15.1 Introduction
A.15.2 Base concepts
A.15.3 First set of differentiating criteria
599 A.15.4 Second set of differentiating criteria
A.15.5 Third set of differentiating criteria
A.15.6 Discriminator
A.15.7 Code table
603 A.16 Information attributes to support IHE PCD DEC and PCHA/Continua Services Interface (Partition 1 and Partition 8)
A.16.1 Information attributes to support IHE PCD Alert Communication Management
A.16.2 Notification attributes to support IHE PCD Alert Communication Management
A.16.3 Infrastructure attributes to support PCHA/Continua Services Interface and IHE PCD DEC
605 A.16.4 Information attributes to support PCHA/Continua Services Interface
A.16.5 Information attributes to support IHE PCD DEC and PCHA/Continua Services Interface timekeeping
608 A.16.6 Information attributes to support semantics defined by this standard
A.16.7 Information attributes to support ECG semantics defined by this standard
609 Annex B (normative)Nomenclature syntax
B.1 General
B.1.1 Notation
B.1.2 Partition codes
610 B.2 Object infrastructure and device nomenclature – Partition 1
B.2.1 Object infrastructure
631 B.2.2 Device nomenclature
651 B.3 Medical supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) – Partition 2
B.3.1 Discriminator ranges
652 B.3.2 SCADA Term Codes
723 B.4 Events – Partition 3
742 B.5 Dimensions – Partition 4
762 B.6 Virtual attributes – Partition 5
B.7 Parameter groups – Partition 6
B.8 Body Sites – Partition 7
803 B.9 Communication infrastructure – Partition 8
811 B.10 File Exchange Format – Partition 9
B.11 ECG Extension – Partition 10
B.12 ICDO Extension – Partition 11
B.13 PHD Disease Management – Partition 128
821 B.14 PHD Health Fitness – Partition 129
825 B.15 PHD Aging Independently – Partition 130
836 B.16 Return Codes – Partition 255
837 B.17 External nomenclature – Partition 256
838 B.18 Device Settings – Partition 258
841 B.19 Device Predicted Values – Partition 514
844 Annex C (normative) Terms, discriminators, and numeric codes
C.1 Overview
C.2 Discriminators
845 C.3 Discriminator sets
C.3.1 Device Type [MVC] discriminator set
C.3.2 Statistical [MMM] discriminator set
C.3.3 Haemodynamic pressure measurements [SDM] discriminator set
846 C.3.4 Rates for countable events [RCE] discriminator set
C.3.5 Rates for countable neurological events [RCN] discriminator set
C.3.6 Body Site Orientation (laterally) [LAT] discriminator set
847 C.3.7 Unit of Measure [UoM] discriminator set
C.3.8 Unit of Measure (singular) [UoM1] discriminator
848 C.3.9 No [1] Discriminator
C.3.10 Event [2] discriminator set
C.3.11 Statistical profile [PN3] discriminator set
849 C.3.12 Location [LOC] discriminator set
850 C.3.13 Version of External Nomeclature [64] Discriminator
C.3.14 ECG lead designation from ISO/IEEE 11073-10101:2004 [LEAD1] discriminator set
853 C.3.15 ECG lead designation from ISO/IEEE 11073-10102:2012 [LEAD2] discriminator set
858 C.3.16 Equivalent ECG lead designations in ISO/IEEE 11073-10101:2004 and ISO/IEEE 11073-10102:2012 [LEAD] discriminator set
860 C.3.17 Comparison of ECG lead discriminators in ISO/IEEE 11073-10101:2004 and ISO/IEEE 11073-10102:2012
863 C.4 Alphabetical listing of terms, discriminators, and numeric codes
C.4.1 Object-Oriented – Partition 1
896 C.4.2 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) – Partition 2
951 C.4.3 Events and Alerts – Partition 3
966 C.4.4 Dimensions – Partition 4
982 C.4.5 Parameter Groups – Partition 6
C.4.6 Body Sites – Partition 7
1015 C.4.7 Communication Infrastructure—Partition 8
1020 C.4.8 PHD Disease Management—Partition 128
1026 C.4.9 PHD Health Fitness—Partition 129
1029 C.4.10 PHD Aging Independently—Partition 130
1037 C.4.11 Return Codes—Partition 255
C.4.12 External Nomenclature—Partition 256
1038 C.4.13 Device Settings—Partition 258
1041 C.4.14 Predicted Values—Partition 514
1043 Annex D (informative) Synonyms
D.1.1 Term code Synonyms
D.1.2 RefId synonyms
1045 Annex E (informative) Breaths and inflations
1047 Annex F (informative) Respiratory, ventilator, and anesthesia RefId naming conventions
1049 Annex G (informative) Anesthesia ventilation and breathing circuits
1051 G.1 Bellows driven on expiratory side
1052 G.2 Piston driven on inspiratory side
1053 G.3 Mapleson circuits
1054 Annex H (informative) Term approval and management process
H.1 Term approval and management process
1055 H.1.1 Proposed term
H.1.2 Proposed term review
H.1.3 Provisional term
H.1.4 Provisional term review
H.1.5 Rejected term
H.1.6 Accepted term
H.1.7 IEEE Ballot
1056 H.1.8 Published term
H.1.9 Deprecated term
H.1.10 Withdrawn term
H.2 Rosetta Terminology Mapping Management System (RTMMS)
H.3 Right to use
1058 Annex I (informative) Bibliography
1060 Annex J (informative) Revision history
IEEE 11073-10101-2019