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BS EN 15316-5:2017


Energy performance of buildings. Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies – Space heating and DHW storage systems (not cooling), Module M3-7, M8-7

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BSI 2017 56
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This European Standard covers energy performance calculation of water based storage sub-systems used for heating, for domestic hot water or for combination of these. This standard does not cover sizing or inspection of such storage systems. Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in EN ISO 52000-1. NOTE 1 In CEN ISO/TR 52000 2 the same table can be found, with, for each module, the numbers of the relevant EPB standards and accompanying technical reports that are published or in preparation. NOTE 2 The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard may cover more than one module and one module may be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively. See also Clause 2 and Tables A.1 and B.1.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 National foreword
10 1 Scope
12 2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
13 4 Symbols and abbreviations
4.1 Symbols
4.2 Subscripts
5 Description of the methods
5.1 Output of the method
5.2 Extension of the method
14 5.3 Technologies covered and schematisation of the hot water storage system
15 Principles for hot water storage systems
16 6 Calculation of storage systems
6.1 Output data
19 6.2 Calculation time steps
6.3 Input data
6.3.1 Source of data
6.3.2 Product data Product description data (qualitative) Product technical data
21 6.3.3 System design data
6.3.4 Control
6.3.5 Operating conditions
22 6.3.6 Constants and physical data
23 6.4 Calculation procedure
6.4.1 Applicable time-step
6.4.2 Operating conditions calculation
6.4.3 Energy calculation (storage modelled with multi volumes – Method A) General Step 0 Initialization
24 Step 1 Step 2 Volume to be withdrawn from the storage (domestic hot water service)
25 Step 3 – Temperature of the storage after volume withdrawn for domestic hot water service Step 4 – Volume (Energy withdrawn) for heating service Step 5 – Temperature of the storage unit after delivery of energy for heating service
26 Step 6 – Energy input into the storage unit Step 7 – Re-arrange the temperatures in the storage after energy input
27 Step 8 Thermal losses and final temperature Heat exchanger
28 6.4.4 Simplified calculation procedure (storage modelled with a single volume – Method B) Step 1 Verification of the requirements for DHW and heating service
29 Step 2 energy balance and final temperature (without back-up) Step 3 Energy from back up Temperature of the heat exchanger
30 6.4.5 Thermal losses
6.4.6 Calculation of the auxiliary energy
6.4.7 Recoverable, recovered thermal losses
31 7 Quality control
8 Compliance check
33 Annex A (informative)Template for input data and choices
A.1 Model information
A.2 Product description data
A.2.1 Storage type
A.2.2 Type of energy use (services)
A.2.3 Storage fuel
34 A.2.4 CE marking
A.2.5 Dimension
A.2.6 Energy input/output
35 A.2.7 Multiple energy input/output
A.2.8 Stand-by thermal losses
36 A.2.9 Factors for energy recovery
37 A.3 Design data
A.3.1 Localization
A.3.2 Hydraulic connection
A.3.3 Storage control type
A.3.3.1 Type of control
38 A.3.3.2 Adaptation of thermal losses for monthly or annual step time
A.4 Operative conditions for method A – hourly calculation time step
39 A.5 Operative conditions for Method B – bin, monthly or annual calculation time step
40 Annex B (informative)Default Input data
B.1 Model information
B.2 Product description data
B.2.1 Storage type
B.2.2 Type of energy use (services)
B.2.3 Storage fuel
B.2.4 CE marking
B.2.5 Dimension
B.2.6 Energy input/output
41 B.2.7 Multiple energy input/output
B.2.8 Stand-by thermal losses
43 B.2.9 Factors for energy recovery
B.3 Design data
B.3.1 Localization
B.3.2 Hydraulic connection
B.3.3 Storage control type
B.3.3.1 Type of control
B.3.3.2 Adaptation of thermal losses for monthly or annual step time
B.4 Operative conditions for method A – hourly calculation time step
44 B.5 Operative conditions for Method B – bin, monthly or annual calculation time step
45 Annex C (normative)Selection of methods
C.1 Method A – Model based on a representation of stratified temperature in the storage
C.1.1 Applicability of the stratified model
C.1.2 Selection of the number of volumes to model the storage unit
C.2 Method B – Model based on a representation of an homogenous temperature in the storage `
46 Annex D (informative)Alternative presentation for Method A
D.1 Step 2 – Direct withdrawal of a heat quantity (volume to withdraw)
D.1.1 General
48 D.1.2 Additional
D.2 Step 3 – Temperature of the storage after volume withdrawal
49 D.3 Step 6 – indirect heat input and output
51 D.4 Rearrange temperatures in the storage to a natural state
52 D.5 Heat exchanger – additional
D.5.1 General
D.5.2 Indirect heat input in the storage, using a solar collector loop.
53 D.5.3 Indirect heat output from the storage to the space heating service.
BS EN 15316-5:2017